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CNA is an Education-focused organisation, with a commitment to improving outcomes for students and staff at all participating schools. 


Each year, CNA undertakes a pedagogical and curriculum needs survey which determines the annual areas of pedagogical and curriculum focus.


Digital literacy is an area of focus for CNA, guided directly by Teaching and Learning experts from within CNA participants, who collaborate through the Digital Learning Network and Contemporary Learning Working Group.  


CNA supports learning and teaching across Australian Catholic educators through:

•    Creation and publication of digital content
•    Curation of quality digital resources
•    Connecting Catholic communities of learning
•    Supporting pedagogical change and professional learning through the use of digital technologies
•    Providing counsel on the procurement of third party resources


Want to make a difference?

Invite your students to participate in STEM MAD!

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"Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom."
Pope John Paul II
Subscribe to the Educator Newsletter

Each term the Education Working Group sends a newsletter that consolidates upcoming event listings, professional development opportunities, research, and more.​

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